I recently found out about a free online magazine called Serious Life Magazine. The magazine is owned and published by a family who have seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia (www.riggsfamilyblog.com). The magazine gives away a lot of ads to charities and ministries. They feature inspiring stories and include "life" topics involving family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, and humor.
The creators of this magazine have a family blog, today's post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.
In honor of "Laughter Lives!" and keeping in line with the content of my blog, I wanted to share a video of my own 2 1/2 year old daughter helping in the kitchen. Her vocabulary is changing daily, last week she was all about being "fantastic" and in this video she is commenting on the sauce which she finds "Awfully good!"
Some of my other favorite "Adalyn" moments and words:
Scene--Adalyn on the potty with my mother in law standing by
Grammy: "Hurry up, try to go potty"
Grammy: "Are you done yet?"
Adalyn: "Just be patient, Grammy"
Having to start over dinner prayers because Adalyn "forgot to pray for her biscuit" or other food items
Telling me she can do something herself because she is "superman"
Oh, and one more blast from the past:
That last video was hilarious - brings back memories of when my daughter drew dots all over herself with permanent marker :)